We are often told to create our own happiness. But what does this look like?

Reflecting on what brings us joy is the key to success.  

I have to be honest, starting this business with my husband in the beginning didn’t bring me an abundance of happiness because I was terrified about the outcome.  

Was I going to be burnt out?  That was my biggest fear.

Pre-COVID, my heart was nudging more towards my music career. As a result, I stepped down from consulting positions at the time to nurture my passion.   

Personally, it was a financial risk. I was making less income while spending more money to further my passion in music.

One of the lessons my mentor at the time taught me was to dream about my future and be super intentional with what I wanted.  

“Put music aside and think about what is important to you and what brings you joy,” she’d say.

The three things that immediately popped into my mind: spending time with family, being with friends and creating.  

Little did I know, this mustard seed of faith I had towards my personal happiness was now being nurtured through a stamp business. Truthfully, it took me over a year to accept thegood news” of this success. A similar type of success I had been envisioning all along.  

And in the end, it’s more than just a stamp business. It’s the foundation of a strong belief rooted in my heart;  knowing you are loved, while doing what you love.  

A little over 10 years ago I actively started to dream about my happiness and future. When I saw this engraved wooden stamp one of our customers ordered for their custom logo, it reminded me of my own path.



Invest in healthy relationships that give you life

Say yes to the people who want to see you happy and succeed. Begin to let go (and possibly forgive) those who weigh you down in your heart. It’s not worth nurturing those naysayers. It will only add to your discontent.  

Enjoy your work

If you’re not enjoying what you are doing, maybe it’s time to move on and find something that brings you joy!  If you’re a dreamer like me but have yet to establish the income from your creativity, consider finding a job (or jobs) that don’t emotionally weigh you down.  Some former jobs I’ve had: Social Media Consultant, a music mentor for local teens…I even cleaned offices (while making sure I listened to inspirational speakers to keep my faith alive).

Dream and write down what makes you happy.  

Dreaming is FREE! There’s no attachment to what you’re dreaming: just imagine all the things that make you happy.  Believe that life will support you: that’s what faith is.  

Dreaming is a journey - and the journey can be enjoyable if you stay true to what brings you joy.  

